Two-objective Optimization of Location and Geometric Characteristics of Rockfill Dams at the Taleghan Basin by NSGA-II

Document Type : Research Article


1 Water Engineering Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ilam university, Ilam, Iran

2 Department Hydraulic Engineering, College of agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Civil Engineering, College of engineering, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran


Among the structural and non-structural methods of flood control, rockfill dams are a kind of detention structures that increase travel time and reduce the maximum instantaneous flood discharge. Due to the rapid and automatic effect of these dams, flood reduction happens more quickly. In this research, the best arrangement of rockfill dams at Taleghan basin was determined based on the cost of rockfill dams and the outlet discharge peak criteria. For this purpose, "BRM" model, NSGAII and TOPSIS methods were used. The results of the model implementation for Taleghan basin indicated that the model has high accuracy and saves the time of run. The final design cost is 74.4% less than the "all of dams" option. In addition, the final option has reduced the discharge peak by 64.9% compared to the "without any dam" option. At the final plan, the most of dams are allocated at the upstream areas of the basin and have been locating on the main river and the two reaches of Taleghan basin and there is no dam in the downstream of the basin (except the basin outlet).


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